
Sunday, September 16, 2012


So 2 days ago, I bought my H like usual...but it didn't seem too strong...but I was already high, so I didn't pay much attention. I woke up yesterday morning sick, and did the last of my bag. But it didn't take my sickness away! So I got a ride to get another bag before work. I did almost the whole bag....and I didnt feel anything!...So I got another bag..he brought it to me this time. Once again, NOTHING...except it slightly took away the sickness. I was freaking out, and was so disappointed. I wasted all that money. I called him and told him it was shit. He said he got it from someone new and he wouldnt get it anymore. Whatever! So after work, I had to get a suboxone from him, thank god he had it. He fronted it to me since I spent all my money on FAKE heroin. I was afraind to take the suboxone, because  I didnt know if there actually was any H in those bags, and I didn't want the whole precipitated withdrawals. But I was already feeling sick anyway, so I took about half the pill. I finally got a little sleep, and feel better today. So this is the longest I have been without any H in a while. I am trying to get in touch with my guy to see when he is getting new stuff. Until then, I will just stick with the suboxone. I cannot believe he is selling that crap, it makes me so mad. He has never done me this way before!

A lot has been going on lately, but I will have to make another post later. Pretty soon I will HAVE to quit, because I will either be on probation or doing some major jail time. But I will get into that soon.

Suboxone really is amazing. It takes away most of my pains..and they are some terrible pains. It just leaves me with very fast heartbeat and nervousness/anxiety. But I will take this over the full withdrawals any day.

Just got off the phone, he is getting new stuff today. So I will be getting some better be good.

My mom bought some Milk Thistle and said I should take it because it is supposed to clean out your liver. I just read that it may also lower your tolerance of opiates. I figured I will give it a try and see if I notice anything.. anyway....Ill update more soon.

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