
Monday, August 27, 2012

Becoming too much of a hassle

I have noticed how much control this heroin has on my life. It is sad...when I cannot get in touch with my dealer, I become completely depressed, angry and very withdrawn. I obsess over it, trying to get in touch with him. Then when I finally do, you would think I won the lottery. It is ridiculous.

Lately, I have been doing too much. My dealer has actually been giving me a lot of credit, because I always pay it back. I am about to be up to $150 on credit today, if he helps me out this one last time. He told me I am getting too high, and I need to cut back and that he can't keep doing this.  He is right. This heroin just isn't keeping me high as long as it used to.  :(

I have moved on to shooting up in my wrists and hands. My arms look terrible. Mostly because I need new syringes. It is getting harder to hit my veins. But I am getting pretty good at getting the small ones in my hands.  

Anyway...I just wanted to post something real quick. I haven't been updating as much lately.  I have been obsessing over heroin. If I did quit, I don't know what I would do with myself, with my time.

Anyway.......I'll write more later.

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