So, I called my dealer back after a few minutes. And he let me...he said he would front me a fifty. But I have to pay extra for it. So I started walking to a gas station to meet him. I am surprised he let me do it this time...since he did it for me the other day. He doesn't like to make it a habit. But he knows I am good for it, and always pay extra just for him doing it for me and the trouble. But I already did it all. I feel better.
As I was fixing up my shot, I started thinking about the first time I ever did heroin. I always thought that I would never do heroin, and never thought I would ever use a needle.. But the first time I ever used H was when I was withdrawals from oxy pills. I was in the process of trying to quit,,,and probably would have been successful if it weren't for this happeb\ning. I had just recently lost my job. (Got fired because of stupid things I was doing to get money for my pills) I ran out of money to buy my pills, so I had to quit. When I was going through my detox, and old friend of mine called me. We will call her L. She and I were big into pills and we always helped each other get them. She was a crazy girl. I hadn't talked to her or seen her in a while. She text me and made small talk...asking how I have been, etc.. Then she asked if I wanted some oxy pills, because she could get them for cheap. Well..all I had was $15, because I did a little work for my mom, and she paid me..but that was all I had left after I got gas. Of course I wanted soon as the thought enters yours brain, you cant get it out. So I told her I only had enough to get one. She said that is fine...but she needed a ride. So I go pick her up..give her my money, take her to the person...I saw her make the exchange ....but all I saw in her hand was a baggie of powder. I was thinking,,,"What the hell, I thought we were getting pills." So I asked about it.,..and she said it is heroin....and that it is pretty much the same thing. I did not care, I was feeling sick, and already had it in my head that I was going to get high. She knew I had never done H or used a needle. So she said she would just give me a little, because that was all I would need...and she was going to shoot me up herself. I was very nervous, but also pretty excited. I watched her as she got the shot all ready. But I couldn't watch her while she was injecting me. I had to turn my head and cover my face. She only gave me a little bit...but I began to feel it after about 10 seconds. It felt nice. It wasn't too intense, since it was a small amount, but still nice. I started feeling light headed, and my vision was blurry. I felt really good overall. After a while, I started nodding. It was great. I felt so good and happy for several hours. Over the next few days she kept calling me asking me for a ride....and in exchange, she would give me a shot of heroin. So if course I did it. After a little while, my body got hooked. I finally got a job, and was able to start making money and bu it on my own. So her dealer became my dealer. And I have been using it ever since. Sometimes I wish that day never happened. I wontder where I would be, or how different things would be. Would I have EVER used heroin? Would I still be using pills? Who knows. But I think about that day a lot.
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