
Monday, July 2, 2012

It's the DOPE MAN

Hey. I had a good day at work today. We were pretty busy. It was just me and the other girl that started around the same time as I did. I like her a lot. I think we will become pretty good friends. She recently got into trouble with drugs. She has been doing mandatory classes because of it. She is pretty cool...I like working with her.

I made good tips early, so I already knew I was going to get some heroin. So, I decided to call "The Man" to let him know. But he didn't answer. No biggie....I knew he would eventually answer. About an hour later, my manager told me I had a phone call. It was him! He was asking if I wanted anything because he was about to be passing by where I work. PERFECT. It was funny because my manager was teasing me, saying that it was one of my boyfriends calling me. Then he said.."Or maybe it was your dope man!" He was obviously kidding...he doesn't know I use dope ( I dont think )..but he was right about that. haha. So I got the other girl to watch my section, and I ran out to the McDonald's across the street to meet him. So I scored, and hurried back and went to the bathroom. I did a decent size shot...not too big or small. AHhh.....It was nice.

After work, I decided to do another big shot. OH MY GOD. My needle almost fucked up for good. I have had only 1 needle to use lately, since my parents found my others and threw them all away!!! Well...the rubber part came off and got stuck inside!  :( This has happened way too many times to me. I had to put some oil in it, and then I used a paper clip that I opened up and stuck it inside and moved the rubber part around...luckily it worked..I stuck the stick part back in, and it stayed in the rubber and slid back out. I have one more shot to do, a small one. I really hope I can get it to work one more time. I need to go buy some new syringes. But without a car, it is hard. I cant do it when I go with my mom! I am thinking about ordering some offline.

Anyway...I am just hanging out at home with my mom, stepdad, sister and nephew. My eyes keep getting heavy,,,I feel good.

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